The Gleeman

Notes on What can a young laſsie do wi' an auld man



Johnson gives Robert Burns as the source for this song. However, he does this in a roundabout way. In vol IIII all he does is mark the song with an "R". In the index he states that "the Songs marked with B. R. X. &c. are originals by different hands, but all of them Scots gentlemen, who have favoured the Editor and the Public at large with their compoſitions".  In vol VI, produced after Burns's death, he clarifies matters by stating (in the index) that "The Songs in the 5 preceding Volumes marked R. and B. the Editor is now at liberty to say are the production of Mr. BURNS __ The Originals of Mr. BURNS'S writing are in his possession __ They were written for this work, but being often sent the Editor on the spur of the moment, Mt. BURNS requested these be marks only, and not his name should be added to them.".

I have ignored the bass part given for the air. Also, in the original there are four dots in the repeating bar line rather than two. I haven't been able to recreate this with LilyPond.

Regarding the text, as with the original, I have used the old-fashioned stye "ſ" for "s", where indicated. However, this means that the LilyPond file and the text file are utf-8 rather than ascii.

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